
A Message of Hope, In a Time of Darkness...

The fact that I can say things like, "Our President is an idiot, and should learn how to pronounce nukyaler," without being sent off to a prison camp, or fined, or killed, fills me with flood of hope for our great nation. For all the complaining we do about the infringement of our freedoms, we're really doing pretty well, if you think about it. Somewhere, someone is still doing the job that we need them to do. So, thanks.


Let's Get One Thing Straight, Here...

I'm not a cool person. I'm not a popular person. I'm not unattractive or unintelligent, I just refuse to care too much about what other people think. I have my own coolness, as it were. I think that may be one of the reasons that I can be completely objective when I say things like, "Spinners (Those ridiculous things on your wheels that go the other way? All chromey looking?) are one of the stupidest things ever."


Sincerely yours, Coco...

How does monthly work for all of you? Silence indicates consent, you know. It really is pretty tough to be diligent about something like this with everything else I've got going on. My posting tends to be random at best. Thus, my plan to at some point have a trained monkey take over the blog for me. I imagine posting will begin to be much more frequent, and I'm betting that no one will ever know.


On the DL...

So I don't want to offend anyone, but I've got this on my mind. It has come to my attention that some people are not as they seem. Some people, apparently, will take on the traits of the current new cutting edge cool thing that all the cool people are doing. Clearly this is completely subjective, as everyone has a different idea of coolness, but I think what it means is that there are some vegans out there who, really are only vegan because it seemed like the cool choice for them to make at the time. The decision that would mean that they could fit in with all the cool kids around them. "Hey, yeah, I'm a vegan too, man. Rock on." (I'm neither confirming or denying that I know any vegans who talk like this.) Or, if the current trend is to emulate the Japanese, well, heck, let's just milk that for all it's worth. "Yeah, we should totally all get the same tattoo!" Maybe there are some punk kids to whom this applies as well, I don't know. Hmmm... I happen to think that the entire goth movement is a byproduct of this , and all I have to say is, let that be a warning to you, alright?